

today is Q-Tip's birthday

happy birthday Q-Tip you're hot you're gorgeous please come over


Q-Tip is 44 and he's still hot

his real name is Jonathan which is a hot name it's one of my favorite baby names

Q-Tip is gorgeous and his voice is hot I love hearing his voice it's so sexy omg no just look at him he's hot





a lot of you probably think im over exaggerating but no you're wrong you're so confused u just don't get it

im not over exaggerating 

black people are gorgeous 

Q-Tip's voice is really soothing and he's so cute in the Life Is Better video and in the first few videos for A Tribe Called Quest

he sounds really good in Stressed Out with Faith Evans lol of course Faith Evans is on that track she's stressed out because she killed Biggie

Q-Tip isn't finished making music because he's hot and hot people never stop making music

he collaborated with Mark Ronson in 2010 he's really hot in the video

recently Busta Rhymes released a song with Q-Tip called Thank You it's good the video is hot

Q-Tip happy birthday you're 44 and you're hot and you will forever be hot

i love u
