
Chris Brown releases new album, Heartbreak on a Full Moon

Today Chris Brown released his new album, Heartbreak on a Full Moon 

Chris Brown's 40 track album Heartbreak on a Full Moon.jpg


I've been waiting a long time for a new album from Chris Brown and I'm not surprised he released it on Halloween since it's one of his favorite holidays and the first thing I thought of when I heard he released the album today was his video for Wall To Wall since that's a Halloween themed video

this is a double album featuring 40 tracks and only 5 tracks feature guest artists

this album is over 2 1/2 hours long I am not surprised bc Chris Brown is so talented 

Privacy is a good song

Questions is a good song

Party is ok it's j not a song I listen to a lot

Chris Brown you are so hot and talented I am so proud of you despite what the media says idc everybody makes mistakes and everyone that admits their faults learns from their mistakes aka you and you have grown so much in these last 13 years I am so grateful that you are here and you have impacted the music industry so much and you're only 28 years old